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Marion Dave

(424) 305-3815

Tired of Feeling Guilty About Rest? You're Not Alone.

In a culture that glorifies busyness and often equates productivity with worth, many of us struggle with feelings of guilt when we take time to rest. Constantly pushing ourselves to do more can lead to burnout, anxiety, and a decline in our overall well-being. It's time to challenge these harmful norms and reclaim rest as an essential component of a healthy and fulfilling life.

Rest is Not Laziness, It's Resistance

In her powerful book, "Rest Is Resistance: A Manifesto," Tricia Hersey reminds us that rest is a radical act, especially for those who have been historically oppressed and denied this basic human right. Rest is about rejecting the grind and prioritizing our well-being in a system that often demands our exhaustion. 

Dismantling the "Laziness Lie"

Dr. Devon Price’s insightful book, "Laziness Does Not Exist," further challenges the misconception that rest equals laziness. Price explores the societal pressures and internalized beliefs that often prevent us from prioritizing our needs. He encourages us to recognize our inherent worthiness of rest and to reject the idea that we must constantly be "doing" to have value. 

The Benefits of Rest

Embracing rest is not just an act of defiance; it is crucial for our overall well-being:

  • Enhanced Cognitive Function: Rest improves memory, focus, and emotional regulation.
  • Improved Mental Health: Regular downtime reduces stress and anxiety.
  • Stronger Physical Health: Rest allows your body to repair and rebuild, boosting your immune system.

Making Rest a Priority

Here are a few simple ways to incorporate more rest into your life:

  • Schedule Downtime: Just like you schedule appointments, block out time in your calendar for rest and relaxation.
  • Unplug from Technology: Take breaks from screens to give your mind a chance to unwind.
  • Engage in Enjoyable Activities: Make time for hobbies and activities that bring you joy and help you relax.
  • Prioritize Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night.

Remember, rest is not a reward for hard work; it's a fundamental need. By prioritizing rest, you are not only taking care of your well-being but also resisting a culture that thrives on your exhaustion. Embrace the belief that wellness, peace, and balance come from a balanced approach to life that includes ample time for rest. Prioritize your well-being and reclaim the power of rest!

(424) 305-3815
3510 Torrance Boulevard
Suite 216 
Torrance, California 90503

Copyright © Marion A. Dave, LMFT     
A Professional Corporation